- Small
- Do one thing
- One Level of Abstraction per Function
- Use Descriptive Names
- Function Arguments
- Have No Side Effects
- Command Query Separation
- Don’t Repeat Yourself
- How Do You Write Functions Like This?
- First principle of function is small
- Second principle of function is smaller
- Function should not exceed 20 lines and one line should not exceed 150 characters
- Function should not have nested structures
- The indentation of the function should be one or two
Do One Thing
- Function should only do one thing. It should do that for good. It should do one thing only.
- It is important to distinguish "one thing" from "multi steps":
- A function is not just one step that involves many steps.
- Each step can be a function.
- The goal is to decompose a large concept, in other words function is a set of steps at the next level of abstraction.
- To make sure our function is performing a "single" thing, make sure that the statements in the function are the same the level of "abstract".
- Reading code from Top to Bottom: The Stepdown Rule
- Each sort function is followed by the level of abstraction from the top down.
- Gradually reduce the level of abstraction as we read from the top down.
- Use the name to describe what the function does.
- Do not be afraid because it is a long name.
- Long description is better than a mysterious short name.
- Longer descriptions are better than descriptive commentary.
- Use a naming convention that uses easy-to-read words as a function name and uses keywords to describe what it does.
- The ideal number of arguments used in the function is 0 (niladic), followed by 1 (monadic), followed by 2 (dyadic).
- Three (triadic) parameters should be avoided if possible.
- More than three (polyadic) requires a very special explanation and should not be used.
- Many parameters make it harder to stand in the test.
- Imagine how difficult it would be to write test cases to ensure that all combinations of parameters work properly:
- If there is no parameter, this is normal.
- If there is a parameter it is not too difficult.
- If two parameters, then the problem becomes a bit more difficult.
- With more than two parameters, this is really a problem - The output parameter is more difficult to understand than the input parameter.
- When we read a function, we use the idea of input information through the parameters, and the return value in the output.
- Monadic argument- 2 common forms when using a parameter are: + Argument function: returns true or false. + Argument function: Variables the input into something else and returns it through the output parameter.
- Flag argument- Nothing is worse when the input parameter is a flag argument, because it does more than one thing: once the flag is valid, and the other when the flag is false.- This should be separated into two functions.
- Dyadic arguments- The two-parameter function is more difficult to understand than the one-parameter function.- There are cases where two parameters are perfectly reasonable, eg Point p = new Point (0,0)- However, the two parameters in this case are arranged as a component of a single value.- The two parameters must have a natural bond or arrangement of a natural order.
- Triadic arguments- Functions that give up to three parameters are harder to understand than two.- Be careful when giving a function with a set of three parameters.
- Object argument- When a function actually needs more than two or three parameters,
there are likely to be some parameters that can be encapsulated in a
particular class.
- List argument- Sometimes we want to pass a parameter list to a function.
- Query string and execution.
- The function will do something or answer something, but not including both, which will both lead to confusion.
- The goal is to minimize duplication.
- Duplication is a problem because it exaggerates the code and will have to change many times if the algorithm changes.
- It also multiplies the number of times for a shortcoming.
- Duplication can be the root of all sins in software.
- Write software as well as write any text:- When you write an article or article, you get the idea first, then you shape it for better reading.
- The first sketch can be clumsy and unorganized, but you can do it, refactor and refine it until it's read the way you want. - And when writing a function:
- It starts very long and complicated.
- It has many dents and nested loops.
- It has a long list of parameters.
- Name is arbitrary and has duplicate code.- So, refining and refining code, splitting functions, changing names, eliminating duplication.
- Shorten and rearrange.
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